I May Be Moving ... Just Not Right Now !
Been living in a little 2 bedder for 12 years now and we out grew it probably 6 years ago. Unfortunately I live in Cambridge where prices are huge so I can not buy bigger, .....but because I live in Cambridge I can get huge money to buy elsewhere. So that is the plan.
I am looking to move to a cheaper town, get a bigger house, and have a smaller mortgage. That is the goal! What's stopping me from doing it right this second?! Haven't found a place to fall in love with and I have a teenager.
I have to find a place that has a High School that suits an aspy, trans, gay, sometimes vegetarian, musically inclined, non sporting kid. Life can be interesting.
The one that he is in now supports the trans but forces the sports. It is not catering enough to Z's other needs. They are also shocking when it comes to being sun smart. Making the kids stand out in the full sun , not making sure they got hats or sunscreen or even water. I had a mega fight with them sending my kid home with heat stroke and vomiting.
I think I may of scared them a little as they have changed from only being allowed to wear a silly expensive school cap, to any appropriate hat, and I noticed the last sports they actually put up gazebos. They still choose to have them at the hottest times which to me is bloody stupid.
Even so, my kid has issues and doesn't do sport so now instead of offering an alternative as in maybe go to the library or home room, they send him home. Shoot aren't you suppose to keep kids in school?
Another issue some friends of Z's are doing drugs and are sexually active. I worry that they will involve Z as well. So far I trust my kid but peer pressure is hard to fight.
So that's another reason for us to move and hopefully soon.
I want a house that does not require a lot of work - move in ready is the plan and preferably with million dollar views that I don't have to pay for and as I have an online business, good internet and courier pick up. Not a huge ask is it? ;)
In the mean time, from the money I got from selling the gas oven I won last year, I have been able to paint the inside of my house, put in DVS, and another layer of Batts in the ceiling. I didn't use all the money on the house, I did use some for an up coming 3 day cruise round the Bay of Islands in May.
It is scary thinking about moving. We have been here since 2008. I know the neighborhood, and we are handy to so much. But I feel trapped. There is no room to grow anymore. we put in sheds in as there was no storage at all when we came. Built decks and shifted the laundry out onto the back one so that we could have a pantry. The lounge is a decent size but it is always untidy as it has to be my office as well.
We have a small close circuit of friends who we would miss going elsewhere, Another reason to require good internet for keeping in touch.
I also have elderly parents who rely on me to take them to appointments. I have brothers but they are not single like me, nor are they daughters. Part of me feels I should stay and be handy for them, but another part says hay your owed a life too and heck they could (and I hope they do) last another 10 years.
So lots of things going through my head at mo. A lot of "should I stay or should I go now" ( Ok admit it, you sang that!)
Thanks for reading.

Posted: Sunday 1 March 2020